📄️ NFT Indexer
A utility script for fetching and processing token metadata from a given Ethereum contract. It uses the mixtapejs library to handle the metadata and the ethers.js library to interact with the Ethereum contract.
📄️ NFT Fetcher
This project is a JavaScript library for fetching NFT data from a SQLite database. It's adapted from the Mixtape Network. This library is intended to be used with the nft-indexer project.
📄️ MixtapeSearch
MixtapeSearch is a React component that provides a search bar for fetching and displaying NFTs from different networks. It uses the nft-fetcher library to fetch NFTs based on the user's search input.
📄️ nft-mixtapejs
nft-mixtapejs is a JavaScript library that provides a simple interface for managing and interacting with a SQLite database. It uses the Knex query builder and provides a schema-based approach to defining your data.
📄️ NFTSearcher
NFTSearcher is a React component that provides a search bar for fetching and displaying NFTs from different networks. It uses the nft-fetcher library to fetch NFTs based on the user's search input.